St Catherine’s, Hoarwithy

Hoarwithy church was originally a chapel built in 1840 and when Prebendary William Poole was appointed vicar of the parish in 1854 he wanted to “beautify the chapel”. The result was the impressive Italianate Romanesque and Byzantine building designed by J.P.Seddon.

A gem in rural Herefordshire with fine views from the top churchyard of the church and countryside.

Inside there are wooden carved choir stall figures, marble columns and altar with lapis lazuli with the central cross made of tiger-eye, and a fine Burne-Jones window at the apex of the cluster of windows on the west wall. Over the altar there is a wonderful mosaic of Christ in Glory and the hanging lamps and are lit at Christmas.

The conversion of an old building beside the church now provides a small meeting room, kitchen area and toilet which greatly helps as we welcome several groups of visitors throughout the year, also the church is an excellent venue for concerts.

The stonework and masonry on the church tower has recently been restored with the help of grants from English Heritage and others.



  • Off A49 between Ross-on-Wye and Hereford HR2 6QQ
  • Parking available on road.
  • Access by steep path with steps
  • Open day light hours
  • Refreshments at New Harp Inn in the village