St Tysilio’s Church, Sellack

St Tysilio’s is a 12th-century , grade 1 listed church situated in an idyllic setting close to the River Wye in Sellack; an area of outstanding natural beauty alongside the river meadows. It is on the Herefordshire trail which here follows an old route across the Wye to Kings Caple; formerly crossed by ferry which was replaced by a pedestrian bridge in 1895. Given the beauty of the church and idyllic surroundings it has become a popular image for local artists.

The unusual layout is the most surprising feature of this building and the East Window contains glass dating back to the 15th-century. The pulpit and musician’s gallery are both Jacobean. Sellack is the only English church dedicated to the Welsh Saint Tysilio. For more information see our website.

The organ, now housed in the musician’s gallery, dates from around the 1890s. It consists of a single manual and pedals with eight stops and is generally considered an excellent example of its type with particularly fine tonal quality.

Services are held every Sunday at 9.30am. and everyone is welcome. On Palm Sunday there is an ancient tradition of distributing PAX Cakes with the blessing of “Peace and Good Neighbourhood.”



  • Hours of Access: Daylight Hours.