St Peter’s, Withington

St Peter’s Church is a wonderful landmark from many directions, due to its very high, graceful stone spire.

The nave and chancel were originally built in the C12th. You can tell by the thickness of the walls and the simple Norman doorway. Look around the outside on the North wall, and you can see another old Norman doorway, now blocked up with stonework.

Have a good look round inside. There are many interesting features showing different periods and styles of architecture. This lovely wooden tracery screen separating the nave and chancel is C15th.

We enjoy using our church space for community projects and have staged exhibitions of different kinds over the years. Our two most recent have featured leisure time activities over the ages, and local family history.


Lock Road

  • Off the A4103, 4 miles NE of Hereford, towards Worcester. Turn into Withington Village: church is in old village centre, not far from the War Memorial.
  • Open 10 – 4 (Summer), 10 – 3 (Winter)