St Mary’s Church, Brilley

St Mary’s Church, Brilley situated in Herefordshire on the Herefordshire/Radnorshire border was built in the 12th century. It underwent some rebuilding in the 13th century and was much restored in the late 19th century.

The old wooden Tower was rebuilt in 1912 after it was destroyed in a fire in January 1910.

The stone Font is the original from the 12th century with a wooden font top added by public subscription in 1967 in memory of the late Edward Norman Marrison who was Headmaster of Brilley School.

The Chancel still has its Baldachino, a canopy to protect the altar, which is quite rare as in most places they were removed in the time of Cromwell. The remoteness of the Church probably saved it.

At the rear of the Nave is a cast iron slab inscribed: Guilbert Hare died February 13th 1669, Margaret, his daughter, died March 22nd 1669. There is also a more modern iron cross which became detached from the grave of John Walter Lee, Vicar of Brilley and Michaelchurch from 1873 to 1887. These iron crosses, once common, are now rare.

There are several memorials to the Bromage family inside and outside the Church.

In the Churchyard are the remains of a standing Stone Cross dating from the 15th century with an 18th century sundial on top.

