St Mary Magdalene, Eardisley

When you visit Eardisley Church you will find much more than a celebrated Romanesque font and a peaceful place of worship.

Like many English villages, Eardisley has a parish church which is an excellent example of a medieval hall. When it was built it would have had many purposes besides religious ones, such as markets, law courts etc. In recent times village churches have come to be seen exclusively as places of worship and for weddings, funerals and baptisms.

We are now regarding the building more as our medieval ancestors did, as a place to use any day and for many purposes, instead of just on Sundays. Eardisley Church is now a centre for exhibitions featuring local history, local businesses and topical or controversial issues, concerts and workshops.

People do drop in, usually to see the Font, but they stay on to look around this wonderful building or to enjoy a coffee if an event is in progress.

The church is always open so do drop in at any time!

Local facilities include Village Convenience Store, The Tram Inn, The Strand (pub, Post Office, Book shop) Hairdressers and Beauty Parlour.



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