St John the Baptist, Kings Caple

The village of Kings Caple is in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and a good place from which to start a day’s walking. It is part of a circular walk which encompasses Sellack and Hoarwithy churches; both of these are well worth a visit too.

The churchyard stands on the bailey of a Norman castle. The Nave and Chancel are the oldest parts of the church and were built in the 13th Century. The pulpit is Jacobean. Pax Cakes are still distributed every Palm Sunday to the congregation with the greeting “Peace and Good Neighbourhood”. The church has six bells, the oldest dating from 1632.

There is plenty of parking at Kings Caple Church. With prior notice, light lunches and teas can be provided at The Old School in the centre of the village for visiting groups. Tel nos. 01432 840621 or 840223.

The Church is open every day from about 9.30 – 5.30 (closed earlier in the winter months).

Kings Caple


Kings Caple

  • 4 miles East of A49 Hereford to Ross road.