Christ Church, Wellington Heath

There was no church in the village until the mid 19th century. In Victorian times the village had a reputation for fighting and drunkenness and was referred to, by outsiders, as ‘Hell on Earth’ and ‘Monkey Island’. This may be why a church and school were seen as a necessity by the chief landowner in the village, Major Thomas Heywood, who resided at Hope End House, (the former home of Edward Barrett, father of Elizabeth Barrett-Browning). Built in 1841, extended in 1878, 1889 and 1899, seriously fire damaged in 1944, rebuilt then reopened in 1952, Christ Church has been used for worship for 182 years. The church is not listed.

The church is situated on the highest part of the village in the Malvern Hills AONB. It was built on land donated by Thomas Heywood. Thomas’s daughter, Mary Elizabeth (Sumner), later founded the Mothers Union. A memorial stone to the founders donated by Rev George and Mrs Mary Sumner is placed by the font which is the only remaining item from the 1944 fire.

The church is well looked after and maintained, as are the 2 churchyards (‘old’ and ‘new’ yards). The new churchyard has, as an integral part, a wildflower meadow containing many different species of plants including different orchids. Both churchyards contain wild daffodils, snowdrops and aconites in springtime.

The ‘new’ churchyard has been designated as a Local Wildlife Site and one of the best in Herefordshire with spectacular views, even to the Black Mountains, to the west. The new churchyard also has a Commonwealth War Grave.

The church is valued by members of the village community who set up a Friends of Christ Church 25 years ago to support the church in many ways.


Wellington Heath

  • Font memorial stone states it was donated by Rev and Mrs G Sumner as memorial to the Heywoods of Hope End (Christ Church founders) and Mary Sumner (Mother’s Union founder). Part of churchyard (opposite church) a Local Wildlife Site listed by Hereford Conservation Trust – wonderful views west to Black Mountains.
  • Grant from HHCT to help repair roof – work ongoing.
  • Disabled toilet in church (access via key). Church accessed through main door – flat floor apart from north end.
  • Parking on road outside church.
  • Farmers Arms pub in village for refreshments (Wed- Sun only)